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Siroquant V5

Siroquant is the worlds premier software package for XRD Rietveld quantification.  Currently in it's fifth version, Siroquant has been designed for academic and commercial applications, with ease of use in mind, it is the friendliest, most intuitive Rietveld package available on the market.  


Key Features of Siroquant:


Easy to use: Users can usually get up and running within hours, and no coding skills are required to run the program.


Powerful productivity and batch processing tools.


Comprehensive database of builtin phases.


Some of the key features of Siroquant include:

  • Standard-less quantitative phase analysis of  any mineral

  • Instrument independant -  supports scans from almost all instruments on the market today.

  • Supports preferred orientation, amorphicity, anomalous dispersion and absorption contrast corrections

  • Uses the full-profile Rietveld method for refining shapes

  • Comprehensive database of almost all common phases

  • Supports minerals with no crystal structure data

  • Support Observed Clay phases to give the best clay fits

  • Ability support additional minerals on demand

  • Batch processing for dealing with large batches of samples

  • Customizalbe Refinement limits to prevent over-refinement of parameters

  • Customizable reporting formats



Sietronics are pleased to announce the next version of Siroquant, Siroquant V5. This release will include several features that ensure that Siroquant remains the premier package for quantitative Rietveld analysis


Users can usually get up and running within hours, and no coding skills are required to run the program.


New key features of Siroquant include:

  • New UI with user selectable theme
    • External Amorphous content calculation
    • Tube artefact modeling
    • Enhanced batch processing with refiô€ƒ¶nement conditions
    • Ability to export multiple results to CSV/XLS
    • Batch supports amorphous calculations
    • HKLEditor for hkl modifiô€ƒ¶cations
    • Refiô€ƒ¶ned interface with productivity improvements based on user feedback
    • Additional XRD ô€ƒ¶file types supported
    • Improved background refinements


Siroquant V5 brings the latest features to make analysis and quanti􀃶fication of XRD patterns quick and easy to do. With enhanced CIF 􀃶file support, users can add phases from a growing number of sources. Enhanced batch processing makes dealing with large numbers of samples easier than ever, and our new UI lets you tailor the interface to your liking.



Siroquant now supports the external standard method of amorphous content
determination. For samples where you have a known chemistry, it's no longer
required to spike the sample to find out the amorphous content.



Handling large batches can be time consuming and difficult. Siroquant now
allows for enhanced control of batches making processing large samples even easier.



Updated UI with more customizable user interface,and user selectable colour theme.



Siroquant can now model any tube artefacts that may be present in your samples. Completely user con􀃶figurable, any wavelength artefact can now be
modeled in SQ.



The new background re􀃶finement algorithms can handle a larger variety of backgrounds, in particular steep low angles, making processing samples faster, easier, and more consistent and reproducible.



Siroquant now makes it easier than ever to export multiple results to a 􀃶file in one go.


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